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A member registered Apr 29, 2020

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I'm a slow writer...

Update. Still trying to make the outline of the story but I'm really busy with online classes, quizzes and group projects. -_-|||

As of right now, I have the tentative character background of the past self. His name was Danaiel. Writing his story here will probably be a spoiler...

I want the player to be able to choose to either use the same name or use a different name( to really become a new person).

Place & Era: A world where science isn't as developed as our world because there's magic and people would rather use magic to solve problems than to think for a way to solve problems without having to use magic. There's magical  devices for most things that we currently have in our world. But they have, like, plumbing(with and without magic). The culture is mostly European inspired( I'm Asian but I like the aesthetic) Think of most fantasy works, like Fairy Tail, and online games. Not that there's going to be any pictures. Maybe I'll post the designs for characters tho. There are many other cultures but the story isn't focused on them/ the differences between cultures.

The plot is going to be driven by characters. The player needs to talk to many people and makes decisions on how to interact with them. I want to have like point systems that will change the story based on what the player chose, but maybe I'll just write all of them out by myself...

The setting is in a magical high school/college. A prestigious one that don't really want what Daniel did be known by the public. probably.

Characters: - Past self "Daniel"

- Helpful teacher/counselor "Wyatt"

-A potion enthusiast.

-A clueless friend

-A lie detector

-the Busy older brother

-Spoiled younger brother



Have you ever had like, snippets and scenes of what's going to happen in your story floating around but no way to connect them together and you have to figure it out yourself. That happens to me all the time.....

I have to go make a powerpoint and prepare for a presentation this Thursday. See you later!

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I tried to go with the theme but then I got too many ideas. In the end, it was between this one and a game that I've been planning since high school but that one was too big to do in two weeks.

Warning: Mention of suicide. kind of.

The story: You wake up with no memory. None. It turned out that you are(were?) a very powerful magic user/alchemist, but because of some reasons that nobody want to tell you about, you tried to create a potion that make yourself disappear from this world. The potion worked, but not in the way that your past self had hoped. What make a person who they are? if the answer is their memories and experiences then your past self was certainly successful. You can choose to either try to find out what had happened, or you can try to start a new life. Only one thing is certain: you can never go back to who you were before.

I'm going to use Twine to create this game, but I haven't thought about it a lot as I have 2 quizzes today. I'm going to get at least the outline of how this story will go done tomorrow.

The things on my to do list for tomorrow are:

-Think of storyline:   -Main Character: the design, who they were before the potion, possible choices that they can have.

                                              -Place & Era: definitely fantasy, but modern or medieval? (Done)

                                              - Concepts (Done)


                                              -outline of plot

For assets, I don't know. Probably no pictures? I want to try adding some music, but we'll see.

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1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hi. You can call me Nano, or just call me by my user name.

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

This is my first time joining a jam.  I'm currently motivated to create my own interactive fiction from... something. It was just yesterday but I can't rememner anymore. Then I found this jam and thought "Why not?". I would also like to finish a game all by myself, as all my previous succesful attempts I did it with other people. I think having a time limit and a theme will motivate me better.

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I love games like Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, Stardew Valley, Graveyard Keeper, etc. I also love Undertale. In general, I like games that tell a story, have a unique concept, and I can go back to play it any time I want even if I forget that I even have that game for like a year. I have wanted to get into game development for years now, even consider going to school for it but in the end decided to keep it as a hobby of sort. I want to create games to tell stories.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I have used Stencyl to create a game for a high school competition once. It was very simple and we didn't get any prize. I went to a camp that taught me to make a game with Python once. I did the code with a friend. Both times the games were finished within the time limit( a few hours and a few days), but I wasn't working on it alone. They also weren't the type of game that I would choose if I work by myself. I have tried out RPG Maker(VX or VX Ace? I'm not sure) and Unity, but nothing came out of it. I just downloaded Twine today. I'm still looking around and reading about what I can do with it.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

I LOVE READING! I just love it. Most of the time when I'm awake is spent reading or searching for something to read. I mostly read fanfictions right now. Other than that, I want to write stories. I have too many plots and concepts that I want to write about but never get to do because I'm terrible at time management.

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

Finish a game in the timeframe and make the story at least a little interesting. Also learning to use Twine to do things.